Welcome Dirk and Bego

Welcome Dirk and Bego

Blue Water Diving is happy to announce we have back our Instructor – Dirk De Beer and his girlfriend Bego Tejedor Cervera, who is completing her PADI Divemaster Internship.

We can offer all our courses and excursions in a multitude of languages thanks to these two amazing divers. Languages include Dutch, Spanish, German, a little French and yes English!!!

To say a huge hello to the guys pleas drop us an e mail – info@bluewaterdiving.es or visit our facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/divingingrancanaria

All the best,

The Blue Water Diving team

More blog posts:

G.C. Marine Life

Gran Canarian Stingrays

The round fantail stingray or round stingray inhabits sandy, muddy, or rocky coastal habitats in the eastern Atlantic Ocean and the southern Mediterranean Sea. This dark-coloured ray typically reaches a width of 1 m (3.3 ft), and can be identified by its nearly circular pectoral fin disk, short tail, and mostly bare skin. The round fantail stingray hunts for fishes and crustaceans on the sea floor.

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G.C. Marine Life

Keeping Amadores Beach Clean

As part of being a Padi Diving Centre each year its the dive centres responsibility to plan, promote and organise a beach clean up, with the Padi Project Aware Team. In 2018 Blue Water Diving adopted Amadores Beach as our designated area. Amadores is a man made beach which is nestled inbetween Puerto Mogan and Puerto Rico. Amadres beach was built in 2002 with crushed coral sand imported from the Carribean. The bay has grown in marine life and plants grow from the rocks, which has formed it as a nursery for barracuda, angel sharks, sea wrasse, cuttlefish, squid, damzels, sardines…. Adult stingrays, eagle rays and angel sharks can be found here.

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B.W.D. News

Happy New Year

Blue Water Diving would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!‍ Thanks for all of our friends, family, new divers, old divers and soon to be divers for the support over the last year. Hope to see you all again soon for more diving in Gran Canaria!

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