Congratulations Camilla

Congratulations Camilla


To our newest PADI Open Water Diver and PADI Advanced Open Water Diver. We had some amazing dives off the beach at Amadores and also off the boat, on the wrecks of Mogan and more local sites!

Thanks Camilla on a great two weeks of diving. See you again soon!

All the best,

The Blue Water Diving team

More blog posts:

B.W.D. Diving Courses

Start a divemaster internship with us

Change your lifestyle and start a divemaster internship in Puerto Rico Gran Canaria.‍ Blue Water Diving, offers a fantastic PADI Divemaster Internship, Puerto Rico, Gran Canaria.‍ We complete the internship over a one month period, after successful completion you can then travel the world and do what you love whilst earning an income.

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G.C. Scuba Diving

Our wreck dives

Many times throughout the year we get asked this question, and the simple answer is Yes you can dive on wrecks. In Gran Canaria, we have many wreck dives available all year round. Wrecks are still classed under recreational diving, and the main types are shipwrecks, however, there is also plane wreckages and artificial reefs that can be classed as wrecks.

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G.C. Scuba Diving

You can help our ocean

The Five Biggest Impacts Facing Our Oceans, plus Five Easy Ways You Can Make A Difference.‍ Don’t worry, this is not another doom & gloom article about how we’re trashing the planet, killing our oceans, and are inevitably going to end up in a post-apocalyptic world filled with trash (just like Wall-E). However, given that two in every three breaths we take come from the ocean, and just how generally amazing the ocean is, it would be useful for all of us to be armed with some knowledge about what to do in the face of all these problems. So, in hope of inspiring some positive actions, here are the five biggest things impacting the future of our ocean, plus five easy things you can do right now to be part of the solution.

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