Start a divemaster internship with us

Start a divemaster internship with us


Change your lifestyle and start a divemaster internship in Puerto Rico Gran Canaria.

Blue Water Diving, offers a fantastic PADI Divemaster Internship, Puerto Rico, Gran Canaria.

We complete the internship over a one month period, after successful completion you can then travel the world and do what you love whilst earning an income.

Within the month you will earn your PADI Rescue Diver Course, Emergency First Response Course and Padi Divemaster Certification, and the required 60 logged dives. During this time period you will be working alongside our Padi Pro Instructors, and completing tasks such as pool training for Discover Scuba Divers,  Open Water Courses and assist on the Rescue Diver Courses. Other tasks you will asked to perform will be to help out in the open water training sessions, guided dives and the general cleaning and maintenance of the diving equipment.

Divemaster Internship
Divemaster Internship

Prior to coming to Blue Water Diving it is recommended to have the Padi Advanced Open Water certification level, however it is not mandatory. If you aren’t certified or are a Padi Open Water Diver we still have a great package for you, so enquire for more information. To get you ready for the Divemaster Internship you require 60 logged dives, so we can provided diving for you as much as needed to complete the course. You will be divng off our Rib onto reefs and wrecks of the surrounding areas. Some of the wrecks we have around are the cermona 2 and the Como Tu.

Cermona 2 wreck, Gran Canaria

The price to complete the internship from Rescue diver and upwards is 500 Euros plus study materials and certification fees.

The Padi Instructor or our Master Instructor is here at hand to guide you through the course, and teach you how to become a Professional Padi Divemaster! Our last two Divemaster Trainees got 100% marks on the final exams!

This offer works out cheaper than many other 3 month internships, as you only need to find accommodation and food for 1 month not 3 months.

Pre requisites – Minimum age 18, Padi Advanced Open Water
Group discounts available
Other pro packages available.

Please e mail to enquire.

All the best,

The Blue Water Diving team

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G.C. Marine Life

Gran Canarian Angel Sharks

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G.C. Marine Life

Gran Canarian Stingrays

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G.C. Scuba Diving

You can help our ocean

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