Our new divemaster intern: Fabio

Our new divemaster intern: Fabio

If you follow our facebook profile then you’ve probably seen our Fabio in a number of our posts already, he's  started his scuba diving internships, Gran Canaria. He’s one of our newest Divemaster recruits and we thought it was time for you guys to get to know him a little better.

Divemaster Interships in Gran Canaria, Scuba diving internships, Gran Canaria


What got you into diving?

“I only started diving last year while I was travelling Australia. It happened by pure chance while I was having a haircut in Sydney. The stylist told me she was learning how to dive so I decided to join her in her learning quest. I fell in love with this sport really quickly.”

Have you always enjoyed being in the water?

“Yes, since I was really young I’ve dreamed of being able to breathe underwater, maybe influenced by the film The Mermaid.”

Where’s one the best places you’ve dived?

“The Great Barrier Reef, I spent almost a week on a boat and there I realised that I wanted to make this the passion my life.”

Divemaster Interships in Gran Canaria, Scuba diving internships, Gran Canaria

What’s the best thing about being a dive instructor?

“I think that teaching is one of the most rewarding jobs that exist, especially when teaching something that brings people far from their comfort zone, in an environment which is almost unexplored by humans and is full of challenge. Bringing people to love this sport and to know how to respect the underwater environment will be really exciting.”


This guy’s a keeper! If you’d like to book a dive with Fabio or any of brilliant instructors or complete your Scuba diving internship, Gran Canaria, contact us now and we’ll make it happen!

Join the crew today!


0034 602 080 208

Happy diving,

The Blue Water Diving team

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