Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Blue Water Diving would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Thanks for all of our friends, family, new divers, old divers and soon to be divers for the support over the last year. Hope to see you all again soon for more diving in Gran Canaria!

Happy Blowing Bubbles!

The Blue Water Diving team

More blog posts:

B.W.D. Diving Courses

Which PADI course is best to start with

When it comes to deciding which PADI diving courses, Gran Canaria, you should take as a beginner it can all be a bit confusing. There are three main options for beginners to choose from. Here is a quick breakdown of each to try and make it easier for you.

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G.C. Marine Life

Atlantic ocean facts

The worlds ‘Global Ocean’ covers over 71% of the earth surface. It is so large that it has been split into 5 individual oceans which are all connected. The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean on the planet and stretches for over 41.1 million square miles. This body of water covers nearly 22% of the earth’s surface.

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G.C. Scuba Diving

Our wreck dives

Many times throughout the year we get asked this question, and the simple answer is Yes you can dive on wrecks. In Gran Canaria, we have many wreck dives available all year round. Wrecks are still classed under recreational diving, and the main types are shipwrecks, however, there is also plane wreckages and artificial reefs that can be classed as wrecks.

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