Become a PADI instructor

Become a PADI instructor


PADI Instructor Development Course – with Blue Water Diving. Go Pro, Become a PADI Instructor .

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Padi Instructor Development Course

During the year we run two Instructor Development Courses, usually in May and November. The PADI instructor development course is a weeks long course involving topics such as:

  • Learning, Instruction and the PADIi System
  • General Standards and Procedures
  • Risk Management
  • Marketing Diving
  • Start Diving
  • Teaching PADI Speciality Courses
  • Business of Diving
  • Keep Diving
  • How to teach the RDP

During the week not only will you be inside the classroom you also have confined water presentations and skills and also open water presentations and skills….

Blue Water Diving works closely together with a PADI Platinum Course Director – Colin Scowcroft

Colin qualified as a PADI Course Director in 1999 and in 2005 was one of only 50 people to be awarded the title of Platinum Course Director for his achievements in tuition for instructor level courses.

He has over 25 years experience in the diving industry and has owned and run his own dive centre since 1995, in addition to working with other prestigious PADI dive centres throughout Europe.

With over 10,000 dives, Colin has personally taught over 1000 recreational divers and successfully taken approximately 500 candidates through their instructor course.

Colin is one of the most experienced and sought after Course Directors in the world. He has taught Instructor Development Courses in Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Russian and of course English.


If you like people, have a passion for scuba diving and want an extraordinary life – become a PADI Instructor. Teaching scuba diving allows you to share your love of the aquatic world with others while doing what you enjoy – being in, around and under water. PADI Open Water Scuba Instructors and PADI Assistant Instructors are the most sought-after dive professionals around the world. They’ve completed the program that sets the standard for training dive professionals. You earn a PADI Instructor rating through hard work and commitment, but you’re rewarded with a job that lets you share incredible underwater adventures with others – transforming their lives for the better and enriching yours.

Are you ready to join the ranks of the dedicated professionals who teach the world’s most progressive and popular scuba diver education programs? Then Go PROSM with an Instructor Development Course.


The Instructor Development Course (IDC) is made up of two parts – the Assistant Instructor (AI) course and the Open Water Scuba Instructor (OWSI) program. Most dive professionals complete the entire IDC and go on to attend an Instructor Examination (IE), which is the final step to earn a PADI Instructor certification.

Successfully completing just the AI course results in a PADI Assistant Instructor qualification. When an AI is ready to progress, attending an OWSI program allows entry into an IE to earn a full PADI Instructor rating.

Dive professionals who hold an instructor rating with another diver training organization may be eligible to enroll directly in the OWSI program. This recognizes prior instructor training and provides a path to become a PADI Instructor.

A PADI Divemaster who has been a certified diver for six months may enroll in the PADI Instructor Development Course. You also need:

You also need to be an Emergency First Response Instructor, but you can earn this rating during your instructor training.

Go Pro, Become a Padi Instructor
Pool Training PADI IDC


Over a minimum of five days, but usually more like seven, the IDC teaches you to conduct all PADI core courses. You’ll be able to organize and present information, conduct skill development sessions and control open water dives. Basically, you become a better public speaker and get really good at demonstrating skills while watching out for student diver safety. Key topics include:

  • PADI Standards and Procedures for courses you can teach with in water workshops
  • Learning, Instruction and the PADI System
  • Risk Management and Diver Safety
  • The Business of Diving and your role as an instructor
  • Marketing Diving and Sales Counseling

You may be able to get college credit or the Assistant Instructor course and Instructor Development Course.


Register for IDC Online – PADI’s eLearning option that lets you study independently at your own pace before class. There are nine interactive knowledge development sections. Prestudy online saves classroom time, which allows more time for practicing the skills that distinguish you as a PADI Instructor.

Also, sign up for Dive Theory Online, if you haven’t already completed it or it’s been more than a year since you went through it. The program is a straightforward review of dive physics, physiology, skills, equipment and environment, plus using the Recreational Dive Planner (RDP). By successfully completing Dive Theory Online, you can get credit for the dive theory exam requirement during your IDC.

Visit a PADI Five Star Instructor Development Center or Resort to ask about an IDC.

Also, view the Instructor Development Calendar.


An Instructor Examination (IE) is a two-day evaluative program that tests an instructor candidate’s teaching ability, dive theory knowledge, skill level, understanding of the PADI System, and attitude and professionalism. PADI IEs are standardized and conducted by specially trained PADI Instructor Examiners. The IE location, testing environment and examination sessions are organized to be as objective as possible to fairly and consistently evaluate a candidate’s abilities. Only those who meet the IE performance requirements earn the respected PADI Instructor certification. There is a fee for attending an IE.

If you would like to join us on our next IDC please contact Kate on:

0034 602 080 208

Take the challenge – Go Pro, Become a PADI Instructor

We plan to have our next course in May 2018 and then October 2018.

Happy diving,

The Blue Water Diving team

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